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Mineral water

La Rocca

Noble expression of an elected territory.

The origin and the territory

Strongly linked to the Tuscan identity, La Rocca water is symbol of a synthesis of the values and magic of our beautiful land. The artistic, historical and cultural heritage made Tuscany famous all over the world. Unrepeatable landscapes with inviolate and generous nature are able to give, from centuries, excellence of products and tastes, and really unique mineral waters.

Since ancient times Etruscans and Romans appreciated the virtues of purity and taste of our water that has been kept intact and unchanged until today through our constant commitment.

A quality product

La Rocca represent a Premium brand addressed to catering channel The mineral water La Rocca is: natural and sparkling and it is bottled in multiple formats to meet all the needs of consumers.

The chemical / physical properties of the water and, speci”cally, the low content of nitrates make the water recommended for pregnant women, babies, to “ght water retention and facilitate diuresis.

The untouched catchment area, the high of the source and organoleptic characteristics values give the water a taste of purity, ideal for those looking for the right balance between water lightness and mineral salts. Crystal clear water, refreshing and light a source of well-being and capable of successfully reintegrate our physiological water balance.

Coming soon

The only 100% recyclable mineral water package, even the cap!

VAT: 1006205455200003

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